DeaneTR – Whales & Dolphins
“As sure as whales have secret limbs hidden deep in their flesh” –Steve Toth
Makes me think how dolphins and whales might one day create an era like
humans when all life will live or die by the hands of what were once
fins and flippers of whales and dolphins…
Can you imagine the kinda parties dolphins and whales would have if they
built their own cities and governments and machines and enslaved all the
other living beings just like all us humans?
And all the land creatures would be going extinct because the dolphins
kept turning the earth’s land mass into ocean to make lotsa money
selling real estate.
Dolphin-Whale caused erosion based on the real estate speculations of a
trillion dolphins and whales with fingers and thumbs building their
civilization would make the whole world one giant ocean in no time.
I can’t wait…
Date: February 14, 2014
Categories: DeaneTR