Sunday, 16 of February of 2025

Roman Sanchez – Buffalo Poem


I have stood with the buffalo.
I have felt their spirit
Move through me like the wind.
Their presence I can feel
In the contours of these mountains,
In every tree,
In every bush,
In every willow,
Every track,
In my soul.
I have looked deep into their eyes
And felt their power
Run through me like
The river from which banks they have fed off,
And I too have been nurtured.
And in my hand, I have held their hair
Plucked from the side of a tree.
bfcAnd I can see that it is no different from mine,
And I know that we are brothers.

I have seen the meaning of non-violent resistance,
In the face of hatred and ignorance,
In the face of oppression
I have been moved to tears
By the beauty of their gentle nature,
Their resilience–their determination.
And I am learning from them the meaning of patience,
Of love and of living the way they know is rightfully theirs,
Even if it means Death–
And I know I am only beginning to understand.

Roman Sanchez
Buffalo Field Campaign Volunteer
November-December 2004 Earth First!

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