Sunday, 16 of February of 2025

Jaen Sydney – Mountaintop Removal



 An interview with Judy .

Drought southwest of West Virginia,
In Kentucky, Tennessee and further;
so much open space, dead grass,
low slopes, brown lands,
rock islands of standing dead trees.
No water in the air.

Our remaining hills stayed green this summer
waiting for rain that didn’t come.
Under trees among steep hollers,
air holds water over and underground.
Coal smoke that fires the air, oven dries it;
requires Earth’s womb open to the sun unprotected.
No longer moon flowing, bleeds mortally wounded.
Fat skin thins, dries, blows over bones, gone.

New century’s water rights negated,
the next generation star trek
because a barren planet
cannot keep them.
Is that the plan?
A new world order
to wander, another
mandate from God
to leave Eden again?
What have we done this time?

Jaen Sidney
Dec.-Jan. 2000 Earth First!

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