Sunday, 16 of February of 2025

Joey Racano – Krill Kids

When the sun rose up on the very first day
Krill Kidsa whale there waited to wisk us away
to a place in the sea where krill-kids roam
far away from the land, near a mountain of foam

On the first Earth night ‘neath a sliver of moon
a whale dove deep to avoid a typhoon
and the krill-kids followed him, close behind
clinging to his flukes but he did not mind

As the first week ended and the month came on
I swam to the surface but my whale was gone
I was forced to tread water and my heart skipped a beat
when I felt a sudden comfort rise beneath my feet

The comfort, of course, was the back of a whale
and I was lifted from the water like a ships main sail
I threw my head back, turned my palms to the sky,
sang the first whale song- and thought ‘How lucky am I?’

And on that very last day when a whale does breach
I hope a distant descendant meets him on the beach
with a hand-weaved basket made of fronds and kelp
and every krill-kid in the world, there and ready to help!

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