Sunday, 16 of February of 2025

Gary Mennie – Skylands


Sky vistas merge with the land,
In the translucent greenbrier shoots of spring,
In the soft metallic glint of still ponds,
In the green galaxies of dandelions pressing through
dark matter of earth,
In the tears of dew trickling in silent crystal drops,
In the facial windows of mind-looking creatures,
In the hovering fogs of hot humid nights,
In the star-like blooming flowers in rainbowed clusters,
In the twisting swirl of leaves swiftly spiraling,
In the snowy billowed seeds of cottonwood scattering
in cloud-like drifts,
In the scale-like cirrus arrangements of shells on
the shoreline,
In the wind-like whistling song of the starling perched,
In the golden yellow flashing light of fireflies,
In the vast panoramic corridors of consciousness,
Sky vistas, land vistas, mind vistas,
Merging at the crossroads of this moment.

Gary Mennie

Gary Mennié is a native folk poet of Central New Jersey. He is the author of Growing Moments, a journal of philosophical poems reflecting a unique, eclectic blend of radical, iconoclastic, and rebellious views of the modern world, woven within a deep spiritual, compassionate awareness of our wild and mystical journey with nature.

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