Sunday, 16 of February of 2025



Who We Are:

Since the start of the 1980’s the Earth First! Journal has been publishing a poetry section titled Armed with Visions. This is the sister site of that poetry section.

We write poems about nature, about wilderness, about biodiversity, about an ecocentric or biocentric way of viewing the earth’s diminishing wilds. We ruminate deep ecology… That’s what makes a warrior poet.

Please Submit your poems here:

Jenny McBride

2014-2015 Warriorpoet Laureate is Jenny McBride:

Jenny grew up in suburban Chicago with family members who shared their love of the outdoors and wild things. Legend has it her first word was “book”, and by age 8 she was writing up a storm.

Highlights of her good fortune include attending UC Berkeley while living at the inimitable Barrington Hall, making her home in Alaska, wandering around six of the seven continents, and remaining car-free. Her vegetarian life has been profoundly enriched by deep friendships with obligate carnivores (specifically, Felis catus), and more casual relations with the tenacious squirrels of the Midwest.

Although she has published two short stories, her dreams of being a fiction writer have been subsumed by her destiny as a poet. Her first poem in the Earth First! Journal was “Yukon Time”, way back in 1989, under an earlier moniker (Jenny Hoegler). Her poems have also appeared in The California Quarterly, The Prairie Light Review, Green Social Thought, and a few other pages. Volunteering on the editorial board of Green Social Thought (formerly Synthesis/Regeneration) provides her an outlet for any overlooked political energy.

Editor in Chief is Dennis Fritzinger: 

Dennis Fritzinger is the author of three books of poetry, Tame Wilderness, Earth National Park and Roadkill on the Highway of Love. He also co-authored Branded With Desire with Karen Coulter, and shared the editing of Earth First! Campfire Poems with Karen Coulter and Dwight Metzger. Dennis helped found the Warrior Poets Society in 1992, and accepted the editorship of the Earth First! poetry page, Armed With Visions, a year later.

Dennis enjoys hiking, camping, writing, reading, and fighting for all that is wild. Growing up in a military family has made him an indefatigable fighter for endangered species, ecosystems, and the rest of wild nature. As an editor, he considers it his mission to empower other warrior poets by publishing them wherever and whenever possible. He sums up his philosophy with two words: Earth First!
joey racano 

Warriorpoet Ambassador is Joey Racano:

Joey grew up in brooklyn in a neighborhood that had a single old dying tree protruding through a single 3 foot square hole in an otherwise endless sea of concrete sidewalks. Joey says, “That tree turned me into a werewolf kinda,” and he adds, “I’m a serious left wing revolutionary and oh so proud to be.”

Some of his work on Facebook: Stop the Diablo Canyon Seismic testing
Free Tilly, Stop Navy Sonar Testing and Joseph ‘Spiritpen’ Racano.

You can also see some of Joe Racano’s websites at: Ocean Outfall Group and Joey Sings The Blues

Content Editor is Deane Rimerman:

Deane Rimerman is a life-long photographer, videographer, and writer in multiple genres, including a stint as a web technology journalist.

Most of his professional expertise (1991-2009) has been focused on international forest protection issues with an emphasis on policy in California, Oregon, and Washington.

In more recent years, he has applied his Web tech skills serving several non-profit organizations, as well as health/wellness practitioners and a community-oriented fitness center.

For fun (and maybe more) Deane likes to record poems with ambient-minded improvisational musicians!

If you’re reading this…

Deane wants to be your friend on Facebook!



Warrior Poet Voices:

British Actress Jane Allighan: has 20+ years in theater and movies in UK and she’s helped us with recordings of DH Lawrence’s Snake, Joanna Macy’s Bestiary, as well as Jenny McBride’s, If I Could Do One Thing.

Douglass Bass is an enthusiastic poetry reader that we met on Soundcloud. He has 66 poem recordings uploaded to his profile so far.

We are most grateful for Douglas allowing us to use his recording for William Stafford’s Roll Call, which is a primary message inherent in most all ecopoetry.

Additionally, Douglas did a really soothing Brian Eno remix to the voice of Philip Levine in a recent poem posted called: Our Valley in recognition of the passing of poet laureate Philip Levine.


Facebook Page Manager is Kenn Fong:

On his blog Kenn describes himself as a copy editor and Web ambassador. On his Facebook profile he simply says in his about section: “I wear glasses. I haven’t had a drink since 1985.” Kenn rescued our Facebook page when our lack of time-challenged efforts concluded we needed to not have a Facebook page. Thanks for keeping our Facebook page alive Kenn!

Facebook Poet Warrior:

Sid Bridges is our poet in residence on our Facebook page. He is a prolific writer who has much to say about the natural world and the human relationship with it.

His poetry and prose presentations have appeared on our Facebook page more 120 times. He has so much to say and we’re so grateful for how much time he has dedicated to the warrior poet cause.

Armed With Visions Founder is Art Goodtimes:

Art was the originator of an eco-poetry page in the early days of the Earth First! Journal. His idea to call the poetry section of the journal Armed With Visions was based on a poem he once wrote. You can learn more about Art and his vision at his Blog Goodtimes Western Slope Poet Laureate

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Armed with Visions is an all volunteer non-commercial community website dedicated to distributing educational "compilations" in the field of Deep Ecology. This website may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you, as a member of our educational community wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. If you, as copyright owner want your copyrighted material removed from this website you must contact us via our contact page.