Sunday, 16 of February of 2025

Rayn Roberts – Secrets From Mountains Above Nagoya

Sitting in the mist
between two boulders
I cannot see the way
in this bamboo wood,
but the birds sing
and there is the chirp
and bellow of frogs–

In layers of fern and limb
a sudden stillness,
the mist has cleared–
a deer emerges,
walks to the edge of water,
drinks, and moves on
completely content,
without regard
for the white iris blooming there

I too am content,
singing softly to myself
to the birds and frogs
that answer with silence–
I take off my clothes
dance in the fern,
drink from the pool.

My footprint
and the deer track

are one.

Rayn Roberts
June-July 1998 Earth First!

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